This applet calculates standard numerical statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, quartiles) and shows graphical displays (a histogram and a stemplot) of.

Histograms display rounded integers as their bin labels, rather than decimals.

Well be doing some of this later in the course, where get R to. By Category: This option is used when you have text categories.Here are some of the things you can do to customize this histogram chart: This could be useful when you have repetitions in categories and you want to know the sum or count of the categories. Automatic: This option automatically decides what bins to create in the Histogram.It isn’t helpful in our example as all our categories are different (Student 1, Student 2, Student3, and so on.) For example, if you have sales data for items such as Printer, Laptop, Mouse, and Scanner, and you want to know the total sales of each of these items, you can use the By Category option. For example, in our chart, it decided that there should be four bins. Number of Bins: Here you can specify how many bins you want.Bin Width: Here you can define how big the bin should be.You can change this by using the ‘Bin Width/Number of Bins’ options (covered below). It will automatically create a chart with that many bins. For example, if I specify 7 here, it will create a chart as shown below. At a given point, you can either specify Bin Width or Number of Bins (not both).